Three-Paragraph Stories
I was surprised what was in the Bible
When my twin brother, Steve, and I were born in Syracuse, NY, we were 2 pounds each. It''s not uncommon for twins to be born premature but we were so small the doctors didn't think we would survive. We were put in an incubator and my dad use to feed us with an eyedropper. We apparently broke some records at the hospital and did survive. I'd like to think God had a plan for both of our lives.
I was raised Catholic and always believed in Christ, but it wasn't until my freshman year at Syracuse University, when I joined the Christian ministry, The Navigators, did I start reading and investigating the scriptures. I was surprised what was in the Bible and what wasn't in it. I read that Jesus was Jewish and His ministry of the Gospel of the Kingdom was for Jews. Yet the apostle Paul proclaimed the Gospel of Grace by faith and that Christians can be "grafted in" to be unified with God. What that means is that Jesus shed His blood not just for the Jew, but for the Gentile and that we can have a relationship with Him because of that. This is the heart of the Christian message. So I started to attend non-denominational churches. After graduate school I moved to Florida and eventually found Orlando Community Church, which I have been enjoying for many years now.
I have been blessed to have had some amazing work opportunities since graduating. One of my first jobs was as an Office Assistant for the Billy Graham Crusade. This was when Billy was doing crusades across NY in Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse and Albany. During that time I met some remarkable friends that have remained close up to today. I work as a professional musician these days and have been blessed with some incredible high profile gigs that I never take for granted. I feel God continues to open doors for performance opportunities and I will continue to use my music to glorify Him.
– Dave
What's Your Three-paragraph Story?
We would like to share your story of how you came
to follow Jesus. Share your story in
three paragraphs here:
Use the worksheet below to assist you in writing your story.
We Are a Body Life Church
The Bible often uses the analogy of the Human Body to speak of the Church
The human body is a unit (one) made up of many parts.
Each part is important and needed.
Each part has a function that contributes to the whole.
Parts of the human body function interdependently.
Parts of the human body are dependent on the brain for growth, health, and directives.
Jesus is the Head of the Body and we are members of one another.
Body Life Defined:
If the Church is to function similar to the human body, then Body Life is how we relate to one another in ways that demonstrate:
Unity out of diversity … every part is important and needed
Interdependence on one another … every part contributing to the other parts
Dependence on the Head … every part living according to the directives of Christ
These are the key passages related to God’s design for the Church:
Body Life - By Ray C. Stedman - (read online)
The book that inspired a return to the Church's real meaning and mission.