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Christ as the True Light (1526)

Hans Holbein the Younger

plate size 10" x 3" - wood cut print

The British Museum


Christ as the "true light"; at the left half stands Christ, talking to a group of believers, among them simple folk, and pointing to the true light in form of a burning candle in a candelabra, containing the symbols of the Evangelists; depicted at the right half is a group of blind philosophers, among them Plato and Aristotle, scholars and clergymen, falling into the abyss; first used in a calendar by Johann Copp - 1527.

The True Light

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Join us this Sunday, March 9


Infusion Tea

1600 Edgewater Dr, Orlando, FL 32804


or online at 9:30 am

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Three-Paragraph Stories


"So, you are confused."

The summer I was twelve, I went to the Methodist Youth Camp in Leesburg, Florida. One of the counselors in my cabin, Ruth, was kind to me. One day Ruth led us in prayer to ask Jesus to come into our hearts. She encouraged each of us to go find a spot alone and pour out our heart to Jesus. I found a quiet place to sit and asked Jesus to help me, to love me and be with me. I felt Him near me and the loneliness I had always felt seemed to melt away.


Back home, I had a hard time holding onto a feeling of closeness with Jesus. Things were tough at school and at home and my friends were of no spiritual support. During high school, college, and my young adult years I searched for God and for meaning in my life. I still thought about Jesus, but some of the ideas I had picked up over the years made His way seem simplistic and outdated. Through it all I only found that I could not fix myself and often felt an overwhelming sense of emptiness and depression. I wanted so badly to know how I could unlock the secret of being a normal, acceptable person, a person who did not constantly doubt herself.


A friend recommended a counselor who was an evangelist (though I didn’t know that at the time). On our first visit she asked me to tell her about my spiritual life. I went on a long rambling discourse about all my searching. She listened patiently and said, “So, you are confused.” This was the opening of an ongoing dialogue with her about Jesus, and she discipled me to find my way back to Him. I am so happy to be part of His family, and my wish is to continue to grow and serve Him for the rest of my life.


- Julie

What's Your Three-paragraph Story?


We would like to share your story of how you came

to follow Jesus.  Share your story in

three paragraphs here:



Use the worksheet below to assist you in writing your story.

We Are a Body Life Church

The Bible often uses the analogy of the Human Body to speak of the Church

  • The human body is a unit (one) made up of many parts.

  • Each part is important and needed.

  • Each part has a function that contributes to the whole.

  • Parts of the human body function interdependently.

  • Parts of the human body are dependent on the brain for growth, health, and directives.

  • Jesus is the Head of the Body and we are members of one another.


Body Life Defined:

If the Church is to function similar to the human body, then Body Life is how we relate to one another in ways that demonstrate:

  • Unity out of diversity … every part is important and needed

  • Interdependence on one another … every part contributing to the other parts

  • Dependence on the Head … every part living according to the directives of Christ

These are the key passages related to God’s design for the Church:


Body Life - By Ray C. Stedman - (read online)

The book that inspired a return to the Church's real meaning and mission.

Bible study lessons on the biblical theme of Body Life

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